Why Does This Administration Hate the Irish and the Poorest Americans?

Spuds, Glorious Spuds!!!
I wanna eat some!!!
Oops, not so fast…
Q: “Huh? You mean that I can’t buy any potato-like vegetables with my WIC dollars???”
A.: “That’s correct! Give that man / woman / child a cigar!”
Those who giveth and taketh away (feel free to use the word ‘Feds’ here) have decided that Potatoes are public Enemy Number 1 when you’re using your WIC-subsidized funding to purchase groceries for your family.
Yes, Potatoes are ‘Veggie-Non-Grata’ (personally, I prefer ‘Potatoes Au-Gratin’, but I digress). If you happen to be participating in the WIC program you will immediately and henceforth be unable to purchase SPUDS.
This means that if you are going to allow someone else to give you money with which to BUY food, you must also accept the premise that THEY will decide which FOODS that you are ‘allowed’ to eat.
Enter – the Lowly Spud (a.k.a.: Mr. Potato Head)

Loved (and feared) by the Irish, first harvested 7,000 years ago in Ancient Washington, DC (I made this up), and an affordable vegetable which MOST people, except for Son #2 (pretty sure he was switched at birth) enjoy eating a couple of times a week, the potato now falls into the ‘Banned’ category of Vegetables.
Eat it baked, eat it mashed, eat it pancaked, eat it fried, but if you’re getting WIC benefits, YOU can now only eat ‘it’ on YOUR dime. The Potato Nazis at the Institute of Medicine tell poor families, women and children, “No (Potato) Soup for YOU!”
Foods ALLOWED under the program:
Sugar-laden cereals
Artery-hardening Cheese Products
For a complete listing of ‘WIC’ Approved / Disapproved foods click
Yes, simply because individuals MAY make ‘un-healthy’ potato decisions, the WIC program has made the decision to take that choice…
Away from the parents of small children.
Why? Because (according to the National Academy of Sciences and WIC) parents who are not able to support their own families are NOT able to make good decisions. (This, may go to the heart of why the poor are so ‘loved’ by Democrats. MOTTO: ”An un-educated electorate is our BEST customer!”)
So as we leave the poor, the disadvantaged, and the un-educated (according to WIC and the Feds – not necessarily according to ’ME’) in the rear-view mirror of the Potato Mobile, we attach a link to the story which got the ancient wheels turning in my head: WIC’s Problem with Spuds
While doing for research for this particular story (oh, come on stop laughing – I do do research sometimes), I came across my favorite bit of irony for the day.
It’s from the CDC’s (Center For Disease Control’s) website proclaiming:

Yes, it’s true.
Okay, who didn’t get the e-mail!?!? Come on people get with the program!!!! Potatoes are NOT the veggie of the month, okay??? (Ahem! - The CDC DOES think that they are – and who am I to argue with the goverment?)
We leave today’s post with a brief post-mortem to the potato:
“May you mash in peace”
(Unless, of course, you’re poor in which case: Have some grilled cheese sandwiches made with wheat ‘chocked full’ of insect parts and fecal matter from sources better not recounted here. Don’t worry, the FDA is there to make sure you don’t get too much bug ‘parts’ in your food – yeah, not ‘TOO much’)

My ‘Irish Eyes’ cannot believe what I read some days – this day, it turns out, is no exception.
I wonder how many jobs banning ‘Spuds’ will ‘Create’ or ‘Save’? Hmm?
Bon appetite!!!
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