This just in...
Those fun-loving folks at PETA are at it again!
Lettuce see if you can guess what they've been up to this week!?!?
Have they been...
Creating an educational family-friendly comic book for your kids?
Sporting kitty-faced-body-art?
Photographing a Super-Model with a "Bunny Rabbit" beneath a caption which reads, "I'd rather kill kittens than wear fur..."
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Okay, somebody Photo-Shopped this... Hmm, or did they??? |
Saving the World (from Climate Change) by eating... Veggies?
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Hmm, Al Gore may be on to something... |
Painting themselves like some sort of reptile, while walking around Manhattan in 'Hooker Shoes'?
Attacking Santa Claus (or is it, 'Santa Claws'?)
Displaying young women mostly-naked on the street beneath shrink wrap as a supermarket 'meat' item?
Holding a GUN to this DOG's head?!?!?
The answers, of course are: No, no, no, no, no, no, no, AND no!!!
All these things have been done before.
Nah, they are so, so, yesterday - we're talking about today baby!!!
This week two women wearing only Underoo-Bedazzled lettuce leaves are scheduled to spend time at a Mall in Minneapolis for their cause (whatever THAT happens to be this week.)
Keep in mind that the average temperature across the US this week was a brisk 17.2 degrees. (I can only assume that PETA's 'Stop Global Climate Change' campaign isn't doing much to save the Earth from rogue Polar Vortex's? Or maybe, PETA should START this campaign in Canada, as they're sending their Climate down here... Just another fact-based reason to fear Canada.)
While PETA is 'all about' caring for animals, I wonder: Why doesn't PETA care about... Humans?
After all, we're pretty much 'animals' too, right? Why don't they start a campaign to 'Save the impressionable young female humans'? Heck, if a couple of leaf-covered-half-naked women showed up at my house I'd give them twenty bucks, a coat, gloves, and some free advice (after all, I'm sure they'd listen intently to a 'cow', right?)
Let me get this straight, PETA exploits human animals to SAVE other animals? Please excuse my naivete, but isn't exploiting anyone, or anything, pretty much... Wrong?
And when it comes to actually SAVING animals, PETA's track record is about as good as North Korea's Kim Jung Un is at saving 'Uncles'.
Check out this post I did a while back for inconvenient facts about PETA: What Exactly Does PETA Stand For?
Okay, I get that they use 'shock and awe' to convey their message and get free coverage in Media (oops, now they're here too - dang it), but sending out leaf-covered-women to freeze on the streets somewhere in Minnesota - really?
While we're being 'good' to animals, can't we be good to all animals, including those who walk on two legs, wearing hooker shoes, several leaves, flesh-colored Underoos, and goose-bumps the size of Nebraska?
Yes, being good to ALL wild-life on Earth will make the Earth Happy, Happy, Happy...
See? I told you so.
As for PETA, the organization is still full of idiots.
But the Earth loves them for it.
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