Friday, July 31, 2015

A Tail of Two Cecil(e)s

First and last time I'm going to say this.  
Yeah, bummer about the lion.  
Having said this, can we spend a moment discussing the difference in bandwidth, which this coverage and another story are getting nationally?  Turn on the television and there's a photo of Cecil licking his paws, lying down, mounting one of his 'wives', and, in general, just doing cute-hey-I'm-not-a-killing-machine I'm doing cute and cuddly 'kitty' stuff.  Next appears a photo showing a despicable man who spends his time scaling gums, scraping tarter, drilling teeth, and tells you constantly to "Rinse and spit" which ended the short, (yet memorable) cuddly kitty life of 'Cecil the Lion'.  
Another story cropped up recently which I'm thinking might be a bit MORE worthy of National debate than this, "Lion shooting" obsession in the Media.  Perhaps the one about the folks from the Center for Medical Progress who were negotiating to buy 'virtually unused!' fetal parts from Planned Parenthood?  
Interestingly enough, this story is about another Cecil (well, actually it's 'Cecile' Richards, but I'm leaving the last 'e' off her name because, well, just because I can - it's my post, after all). 
I'm guessing any off-hand remarks about 'Mounting THIS Cecile's Head above the mantle' would be inappropriate?
Cecile Richards is the President of Planned Parenthood.  This family-friendly (not really) organization offers wonderful services to women, WAY too many for me to type here, but here's what I found on their website, you know, so I won't misrepresent the useful, beneficial, and wonderful work they do for our society:

Huh, that's weird - when I click the link to find out about the services which Planned Parenthood offers, I'm given three options:  

  1. I can make an appointment
  2. I can locate my nearest Planned Parenthood 'Health Center' (they recommend Google Maps) or,
  3. I can send them a 'gift'
Odd that their vitally-important services are not listed on their very own site, isn't it?
I'm sure this is just a normal glitch, perhaps the programmers who built the Planned Parenthood site also built the site?  I dunno, it's possible... 
I'm not sure why I would want to send them a gift as it seems that with all the 'charitable donations' they receive from the Federal Government (roughly $500MILLION), large corporations, private parties, charitable trusts and the like, they probably don't need anything from me.  They're looking for money that folds, vs. money that 'clinks' when it falls onto the dresser at the end of the day.  And now that I think about it, I  don't need anything from them.
Well, I maybe need one thing from Planned Parenthood:  I need them to just go away. 
I believe that they've done enough in setting the tone for our current century.  I found an article last week which states that in 2012 on the lone island of Manhattan, 31,328 African-American women chose to 'end their pregnancies' (humanely, of course, by suctioning, by scraping, or by injecting 'really bad things' into the fetus causing it to, how should I say, 'cease to be').  
In contrast, 24,758 African-American women delivered their children during the same period.  Yes, you read this correctly, more African-American women chose to kill their 'fetus' as opposed to allowing them to come to be a bouncing baby boy or girl.
Bottom line is that the next time you hear about the 'Bad Dentist and Cecil the Lion', you might want to remember the 56% of Black children aborted by their 'Host' in one city in America in one year.  
Worry not, however, because the mission of Planned Parenthood to make sure that YOU are safe to 'choose' what YOU want do with your own body.  
Although, perhaps Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, is the one who wanted to ultimately wanted to 'choose' for you?  
I leave you here with quotes from Margaret and will allow her to speak for herself because I wish to speak no more about her...  I hope to sleep this evening after all and when I begin thinking about her 'work' I find my sleep thin, restless, and full of images better in a Stephen King novel than in my dreams. 

On blacks, immigrants and indigents:
"...human weeds,' 'reckless breeders,' 'spawning... human beings who never should have been born."  Margaret Sanger, Pivot of Civilization, referring to immigrants and poor people
On the purpose of birth control:
The purpose in promoting birth control was "to create a race of thoroughbreds," she wrote in the Birth Control Review, Nov. 1921 (p. 2)

 On the extermination of blacks:
"We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population," she said, "if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members." Woman's Body, Woman's Right: A Social History of Birth Control in America, by Linda Gordon  

 In Summary:
"The most merciful thing that a large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it."
Margaret Sanger, Women and the New Race
(Eugenics Publ. Co., 1920, 1923)    

Planned Parenthood....

The Final Word:  Seriously, not kidding, I AM done posting after this...
Ingrid Newkirk, President of PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals), made a statement to Time Magazine and is quoted, 
“If, as has been reported, this dentist and his guides lured Cecil out of the park with food so as to shoot him on private property, because shooting him in the park would have been illegal, he needs to be extradited, charged, and, preferably, hanged.”
Apparently the 'Ethical Treatment of Animals' extends ONLY to animals, and not to human beings?  

Hey Ingrid, with a face like that mug you've got, it's no wonder you 'love' things outside your own species...  But hey, what's with all that anger???  Are you still mad because your parents tied a pork chop around your neck to get the dog to play with you?

For more FUN with PETA, check out either of the following links:

"What Exactly, does PETA stand for?" 

"Lettuce Entertain You" 

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Maggie's Parts and Body Shop

Over the past few weeks you may have heard about several videos released by the The Center for Medical Progress which captures 'CMP' undercover staff arranging and haggling for the procurement of 'body parts' from Planned Parenthood representatives.  
I would like to say that I was surprised by what I saw, but when you consider what Planned Parenthood is afterall, well, its stock and trade is...  Death.  
They are to 'parenting' what Jack Kevorkian was to 'long term health care'.    
I don't mean to shock anyone, but the current iteration of PP is wholly consistent with Margaret Sanger's vision of the organization.  Planned Parenthood was created to remove the weak, the poor, the addled, and the undesirable from our society.  
Oh no, that's not me saying it, I found excerpts from her speeches and writings and included them in a post entitled, "Meet Maggie!!!" back in 2012.  If you read it, you might wonder WHY the Federal Government provides about a HALF A BILLION dollars in funding to this organization at all.  Unfortunately, this organization, firmly rooted in the concept that all men are NOT created equal, has been a darling of the Progressive movement for over one hundred years.   Yeah, let's send them some cash for doing 'God's Work'...
"United States eugenics advocacy poster" by Source. Licensed under Fair use via Wikipedia -

To a Liberal Progressive, any attack on Planned Parenthood means that you are a hater of women, you want to deny them 'rights' over their own bodies, and you cannot manage to keep yourself out of their gosh darn bedroom - gosh darn it all!!!
Okay, fair enough, but then, might it then be equally fair to say then that if you SUPPORT Planned Parenthood it may mean these witless supporters of Eugenics are best described as Racists, Nazis, Genetic Purists, and proponents of Infanticide?  
Yes, I believe this would be fair to say.  After all, if you're not 'Pro-Life', you're not really the politically correct 'Pro-Choice' flavor of citizen, now are you?  You're actually more of a, oh, I dunno, how about, a 'Pro-Death' kind of guy / gal?  See if that works for ya.     
Sanger, Parenthood's founder, was a well-known Eugenicist, believing that she, and others, could control the future of a society by determining the genetic make-up of that society through selective culling of the population.  Undesirables, as determined by Eugenics proponents were to be sterilized, kept out of the country, or shuttered away until they passed either by natural, or in some cases, unnatural causes.   
Time for TRIVIA!!!  
Can you name other fun-loving Eugenicists / Groups who believed in keeping the race pure and healthy (by doing 'really bad things' to the impure, the un-healthy, and the un-desirable)?:  
  • Sir Francis Galton,
  • Charles Darwin,
  • The Carnegie Institution,
  • George Bernard Shaw, 
  • The National League of Women Voters, 
  • The Rockefeller Foundation, and, um, yes, 
  • this guy... 

Adolf Hitler - What a guy!!!
Thinking that Planned Parenthood is a harmless organization dedicated to helping 'parents PLAN for children' is akin to thinking that Adolph Hitler's life work was all about driving tourism to Germany and building a better 'Bug'.  (Yes, look at all the foreigners who ended up going there and years later, drove HIS car!)
If you haven't seen either of the two videos which came out over the past few weeks, here's one for you.   I hadn't heard of the The Center for Medical Progress prior to the release of these videos, but now I owe them a debt of gratitude.  In actuality, when I heard the name, I figured it was another Lefty Group who put 'Progess' in their name as a hat-tip to the Progressive Movement.  

Could this be why representatives of Planned Parenthood agreed to meet with them?  They believed that they were meeting with fellow travelers?

Whoever they are, I'm glad that the folks at The Center for Medical Progress are out there.  

And I wish them luck, even though trafficking body parts for profit is illegal in the U.S., Democratic lawmakers are requesting that the Department of Justice investigate The Center for Medical Progress for filming these under-cover segments. 

This is a decision of which, I believe, would make Ma Sanger very happy...

Dear Ma Sanger,

If you are still in Hell, I hope that Hitler is treating you badly.  You two deserve each other.  Wishing you an eternity of misery together.

All my worst,


Thursday, July 23, 2015

Cold? Seriously, Cold???

If I ever get out of the 'Wonderful World of Sales' I may just turn to a career in, um, I dunno, perhaps, one having to do with 'Science'!  Just think of it, I could be a SCIENTIST, a real, honest-to-goodness-scientist sporting a wicked-cool white lab coat, a pocket protector, eleven pens (seven of which would actually write), protective goggles AND a clip board!

Dr. M. Moos, PhD

Yup, you got the idea. 
Unfortunately, as I ponder future career choices, I realize that the field of Science is serious business, and while I'm all about business in Sales, I'm not so much into the 'serious' thing.  For example, how could I, with a straight face, make the following 'Scientific Prediction':
Winter is Coming: Scientist Says Sun Will Nod Off in 15 Years 
Might want to start stockpiling those down jackets: The sun could nod off by 2030, triggering what scientists are describing as a “mini ice age.”
Professor Vlentina Zharkova of Northumbira University presented the frigid findings at the National Astronomy Meeting in Llandudno, Wales. Modern technology has made us able to predict solar cycles with much greater accuracy, and Zharkova’s model predicts that solar activity will drop by more than half between 2030 and 2040.

In search of a more accurate system of prediction, Professor Zharkova and her team discovered fluctuating magnetic waves in two layers of the sun. By studying the data of the dual waves, she says, predictions are far more precise.
“Combining both waves together and comparing to real data for the current solar cycle, we found that our predictions showed an accuracy of 97 percent,” said Zharkova, whose findings were published by the Royal Astronomic Society.
Using this method, she and her team discovered that there will be far less solar activity in sun cycles 25 and 26, leading to a prolonged period of solar dormancy

“In cycle 26, the two waves exactly mirror each other -- peaking at the same time but in opposite hemispheres of the Sun. 


It last occurred between 1645 and 1715, when roughly 50 sunspots were recorded, as opposed to the standard 40,000. That time was marked by brutal, river-freezing temperatures in Europe and North America.  [Moos Note:  Who, exactly, was documenting the number of sunspots between 1645 and 1715?  I'm pretty sure that it wasn't the professor referenced above as she was not even a 'gleam in the eye' of her great, great, great, great, great grandparents...]


Okay, I don't know about you, but the last thing I heard about our 'Big Blue Marble' is that it is destined for a steady rise in temperatures (seas boil), crops will bake in the fields (Yumm-o!  Ready to eat Pop Corn on the cob!), and incomprehensible numbers of polar bears will drown as they endlessly tread ice-free Artic waters.  NOW, according to the scientist quoted above - within fifteen years, we're all going to be plunged into a mini-ice-age?

Sure, why not?  One theory is as good as another, right?  
You see, here's the thing - scientific theory MUST 'by definition' be based upon a predictive premise which must test said theory.  And when your predicting the 'End of Life' as we all know it, you'd better have your facts straight (a.k.a.:  Getting your water-fowl linear).   
According to the nice, faceless folks at Wikipedia, Scientific Theory is defined this way:
SCIENTIFIC THEORY:  A scientific theory is a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world that is acquired through the scientific method and repeatedly tested and confirmed through observation and experimentation. As with most (if not all) forms of scientific knowledge, scientific theories are inductive in nature and aim for predictive power and explanatory capability.

Scientific theories are testable and make falsifiable predictions. They describe the causal elements responsible for a particular natural phenomenon, and are used to explain and predict aspects of the physical universe or specific areas of inquiry (e.g., electricity, chemistry, astronomy). Scientists use theories as a foundation to gain further scientific knowledge, as well as to accomplish goals such as inventing technology or curing disease.

Scientific theories are the most reliable, rigorous, and comprehensive form of scientific knowledge. 

This is significantly different from the common usage of the word "theory", which implies that something is a conjecture, hypothesis, or guess (i.e., unsubstantiated and speculative). .  


By expansion of Bill Nye's quote above, we can safely say the following:
  • If it's Magic, it's NOT Science
  • If it's Science, it's NOT Magic
  • If two morons walk along a train trestle high above a river and one falls into the river below - it's because ONE was a little 'moron' than the other
  • If the Science is weak, maybe it actually might be 'Magic'?
I read Time Magazine's dire admonition that we were entering a period of 'Global Cooling' back in the 1970's.  I was equally horrified to learn twenty+ years later that the 'very real threat' we faced was NOT of mid-1970's-era Global Cooling, but rather, a very dire prediction of... Global Warming.

This Global Warming phrase was later changed to 'Global Climate Change' because it was easier to sell a concept which, roughly translated, means, "Yup, that weather sure does change from time to time."  
Unfortunately for those 'Climate Changer' folks, NASA discovered that there was a seventeen year period in which no Warming trend was detected in annual Earth Temperatures - explained scientifically as 'global Climate Pause'. 

Now, just in time for a new generation - we return to the mid-1970's when Liberal Democrats / Moderate Republicans run DC, radical Islamists are at war with us (but very few in Washington realize it), we sit anxiously awaiting for those new 'Star Wars' and 'Rocky' movies to be released, unemployment is below 7.7%, and we are STILL so very cool, but our parents simply don't understand us.  
Looking back I realize that maybe, just maybe, it is the Magic that is real, and that 'Real' Science isn't what it used to be.  
Personally, I see magic every day.  I see it in my family, in strangers who begin their lunch at McDonald's offering thanks before eating, and in the general goodness of the people I see helping others - not because they HAVE to, but rather, because they WANT to.  
As for Science - well, I believe that once a theory is proven if moves from the status of  Scientific Theory to Scientific Fact.  If the 'Science' changes every few decades, it's not Fact, it is merely a Theory.  But like I said at the onset, I'm no scientist.
Perhaps Bill Nye is actually full of 'Hooey'.  I don't know about you, but based upon the 'Science' we're presented with online and in the Media on a regular basis, I'm getting suspect of the endless barrage of crises about tomorrow's weather, tomorrow's crisis,and and tomorrow's Liberal / Moderate solutions.
Perhaps we need to rediscover the joy found in living... 'today'?  
I believe that you (and I) will be happier for it.  
Now THERE is a Theory for you.  And, you know, I'm no Scientist. 